Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post 10

After watching the video Little Kids, Big Potential you can learn a lot from Mrs. Cassidy. Even though these kids are only 6 or 7 years old, they can use technology efficiently if taught how to do so. It's just like learning anything else at that age. Even though they're not fully literate yet, it's still good practice to do writing sometimes on the computer. It will help their typing skills which will prepare them for upper level grades that require typed papers. Students thrive off independence so doing all those PBL activities will keep them engaged and interested. The children having blogs is awesome for the parents too. They can track their child's progress and even send the link to their blog to relatives or friends of the family. As long as the child doesn't delete the page, that's also a pretty cool thing to go back and look at one day.

In the second video  Cassidy 13 part 1, Dr. Strange asks Mrs. Cassidy how she got started with technology. Mrs. Cassidy definitely believes that teachers should be technologically literate. She said, technology is here and it's not going anywhere. She said, "the world has changed, so we must change." She believes having blogs is rewarding for the children because more than just the teacher reads what they are writing.

The third video Cassidy 13 part 2, she starts out by talking about her own personal technology use. She said it should be based on what you're interested in. Base the technology you use on what you're interested in. If you like to write, start a blog. If you like to take pictures, get a Flikr account. I agree with her opinion on Twitter. I've found tons of people with mutual interests through Twitter and they live all over the country. Some of these people I consider to be really good friends of mine.

In the last video Cassidy 13 part 3, Dr. Strange lets other people ask questions. Some of the questions were, "How ofter do you use blogging? Once a day or once a week or something like that?" Someone asked if she thought cheating was becoming easier nowadays. She basically said teachers just need to be more innovative with the way they get children to present their ideas. With technology being more incorporated, collaborative work is being used more.

After watching the videos, I have learned a lot about real like technology use in a classroom. I really like the idea of getting them to do blogs. I think it would be a great daily activity to have them write one sentence in a blog either responding to a question or just what they did. I will definitely keep this in mind when I become a teacher. Some problems that might occur are that they will get used to doing their writing in a typed form and their handwriting will not improve. I will make sure to have more handwritten writing assignments that online writing assignments.


  1. Hi Chloe, you did a great job on your blog post! I love how organized you made it. I agree that it is a good idea to have student write in their blogs. I see that blogs are now taking the place of journals entries. Watching these video really do teach you a lot about technology in the classroom.
