Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blog Post 8

After watching the video, Achieving Your Childhood Dreams by Randy Pausch, I saw that Randy Pausch is such an inspirational person. This week's assignment was definitely a longer one, but definitely worth the watch. Sometimes we're distracted by little things (like hour long homework assignments) and need to be humbled by listening to someone like Randy Pausch. Early in the video you find out he has cancer. Without him telling me, I would've never guessed it. He told us about his childhood dreams and that it's important that we encourage that in children; even if they seem impossible. That's something we can learn about teaching. Let children dream. Don't be the person to make them face reality while they're still young and wonderstruck at the world. Another thing he taught us is that metaphorical brick walls are there for a reason. Pausch says, "Brick walls are there for a reason; they show us how badly we want things." As teachers, we definitely won't get everything handed to us. We have to fit so much into one day while dealing with wandering buzzing little minds. We have to be determined and focused on the task at hand. It won't be easy for us, but it will be so worth it in the end. Randy is such an inspirational person and I'm glad I took the time to watch this video instead of the trash TV I usually watch on my lazy weekends.


  1. Great Post! I also thought the video was kinda lengthy, but like you said, it was well worth it. I am 100% on your side about how children need to be dreamers. And we as teacher shouldn't hit them with reality so soon. As teachers, we should be encouraging the students' dreams and do our best to make them come true-no matter how unrealistic they are. I enjoyed reading this post; it has taken me back to my earlier days when I dreamed a lot.
