Sunday, April 26, 2015


My C4K for april was Jacob W. from Ms. Lombard's 7th grade English class in Oklahoma. His blog was titled Baseball. He wrote about baseball and about hitting a "dinger" which means a home run. He said that he loves baseball. He said that it is his passion and that he has been playing since he was 6. It was a rather short post as you can see here: Jacob W.'s Blog. A couple other South Alabama EDM10 have posted on this one as well. I have enjoyed commenting on student's blogs. It's a great way to see how kids from elementary ages all the way up to high school ages are using technology in the their classrooms all over the United States. As I was going through school, we did not do anything like this. I had one computer class in high school and it was honestly a waste of time. It was an introduction to Microsoft programs which I was already "literate" in. I've enjoyed commenting on kids' blogs and seeing how teachers are utilizing the knew age of computer communication in their classrooms.

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