Monday, April 6, 2015

C4T #3 Summary

The teacher that I was assigned to was Jennifer Brokofsky. The first blog was titled "Responding to Common Questions Faced as a Math Coordinator". One question she was asked was if teachers should teach students automatic math skills first or number sense. She said, “We should focus on them both at the same time. Strong Number Sense supports reasoning and reasoning leads to mastery. Without Number Sense we run the risk of having students memorize sequences of numbers that have no real meaning to them.” I told her I agreed with this. Students can memorize anything, but sometimes they don't have a clue what the memorized information means in real terms. The second one was titled "Cooking With Your Kids... the Perfect Time to #TalkMath". She was just basically talking about turning daily cooking into math lessons with your kids. You can have all sorts of different lessons like fractions and addition and things like that. 

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